Our Journey Learning About The Human Body

From the moment of conception when the cells divide, all through birth and beyond we will learn about our bodies. What they are made of, what are those squishy organs for, why we need a skeleton and all the things in between we will study this year.

I can't hold claim to all this because the idea came from Guest Hollow I used alot of her book recs and scheduling ideas. I have changed some stuff up a bit added different projects and such. She has such great things on her blog! So have fun looking at the scedule and the resources. I will hopefully be posting weekly on our activities with pictures and adding or changing anything.

Topics for the year

Week 1 Conception to birth
Week 2 Conception to birth
Week 3 Microscopes
Week 4 Cells
Week 5 Bones
Week 6 Bones
Week 7 Muscles
Week 8 Muscles
Week 9 Brain
Week 10 Eyes sense of sight